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Southeast Asia Regional Reports

List the full name of every person who worked with LIGHT this past quarter that is requesting a stipend – one per line. Next to their name indicate each month of the quarter and the % of time they worked with LIGHT (from 0 to 100%). Example: Name, January 50%, February 100%, March 0%
List every affiliate school that is currently operating your division/region – one per line
List the date, location, and number of graduates for each Essentials Course – one per line
List the date, location, and number of graduates for each Standard Course – one per line
List conventions attended, shorter trainings conducted, resource development, translations, other – one per line
List upcoming trainings, conventions, etc. – one per line
List new potential affiliates, new partnerships, Church relations, etc. – one per line
Write a 100-500 word testimony of how God is using LIGHT to make a difference in your area.
Max. file size: 128 MB.
Pictures and video must be HD quality (1920 x 1080)
Write a 100-500 word testimony of how God is using LIGHT to make a difference in your area.
Max. file size: 128 MB.
Pictures and video must be HD quality (1920 x 1080)
Write a 100-500 word testimony of how God is using LIGHT to make a difference in your area.
Max. file size: 128 MB.
Pictures and video must be HD quality (1920 x 1080)